Getting Started with MTD VAT

Making Tax Digital is a new initiative by HMRC and the government to streamline the way VAT reports are maintained. Previously, most people would keep records of their business ins and outs in paper form or on a spreadsheet. Then they or their accountant would total these up and send off the VAT return. Now, there’s an easier way!

CalCal lets you add your transactions as they happen, even snapping a pic of expense receipts on our mobile app. Once all your entries are in CalCal, simply press the button to send your VAT return.

Each VAT period expands to show its figures and feedback from HMRC on your submission.

Connecting to HMRC and MTD

Getting started with Making Tax Digital for VAT is easy.

CalCal will guide you through the steps…


Visit HMRC’s pages to sign up to MTD. You’ll need to do this even though almost everyone now has to use MTD for VAT. It will take HMRC a few days to process this, so don’t leave it ’til the last minute!


When you’re ready, log in to CalCal and visit the VAT section. Check and/or correct your VAT number.


Click the “Connect to HMRC” button and follow the steps to sign in and authorise CalCal to connect to your account.


If you get an error at this point, your MTD account might not have been set up yet by HMRC. Give it a day and come back.


CalCal will fetch your list of VAT periods each time you navigate to the VAT screen. If you see a list of VAT periods here, you’re all set!

What can I do with MTD VAT?

  • See a list of your previous VAT periods
    • click each one for more details
    • print a report
    • click your current period to see your ongoing report
  • See liabilities and charges
  • See payments that have been received by HMRC
    • press a button save these in CalCal so your accounts balance

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