Expense Report

Here you can view, print or download your expenses using the 3 tabs: ‘All Expenses’ , ‘By Type’ and ‘By Supplier’. You can find more details by clicking on each row. 

You can also open or download the expense reports by selecting the tab you need and clicking the printer or download buttons.

All Expenses

A list of all your expenses for the chosen tax year ordered by date. To sort, click a column header

By Type

Expenses separated by expense type. Hover over the pie chart to see more information, and click an expense type to see a list of individual expenses against that category.

By Supplier

Similar to the “By Type” tab, you’ll get a pie chart and list of suppliers. Click a supplier to filter transactions by supplier.

Remember, not all your expenses need to have a supplier against them. So not all transactions will be represented on this tab.

Go to the Suppliers screen to see more details on your suppliers and how much you owe them.

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